The lignite formation took place during Tertiary period, youngest of geological age. Neyveli Lignite Mines were started way back 1957 to meet the power requirement of southern India. Five different chain pillar designs were modelled in this third study. Finite element modelling was employed to identify the causes of excessive floor heave, to propose remedial measures, and to evaluate the effectiveness of mine layout design in controlling floor heave. The result of three case studies concerning the control of floor-heave problems are presented. The relevant equations and calculation procedures are outlined and typical results presented. It is also important to calculate the conditional probability of failure along a discontinuity given that an adjacent discontinuity has slipped. Thus, it is not sufficient to calculate risk of failure along discontinuity as an independent event.

However, individual shear strength parameter may be correlated and, therefore, the safety margins against slip along individual discontinuities are also correlated.

Adjacent discontinuities may be dissimilar in respect of shear strength parameters. However, the focus attention on the © 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | randomness of shear strength parameters. A risk model is presented in which both geometrical and shear strength parameters may be regarded as random variables. This paper is concerned with the methodology for the calculation of risk or probability of slip along planar discontinuities within rock mass. An empirical relationship between the production efficiency, defined as the ratio of actual production rate to the theoretical one, and the bench height and width, height of slices, specific cutting resistance of the overburden material and its clay content, consumption of explosives, and conveyor length has been established. The investigation presented in this project is how the coal is excavated by using SME MACHINE BUCKET WHEEL EXCAVATOR in open cast mine present in NEYVELI Lignite mine the project work done in NLC India limited Tamil Nadu The process done by BWE is to excavate the both over burden and lignite in mine the process doing is not easy there is an maintenance work ,lubricant process electric power consumptions is important the excavation capacity of lignite by BWE in one rotation of bucket wheel is 1400 litres, 14 bucket contain in the wheel of BWE ,in this process it observed how the bucket wheel is working what are work is carried out in BWE In this theory, the performance of the BWEs at neyveli have been statistically analysed to determine the effects of physico-mechanical properties of overburden blasting and rainfall on machine productivity, availability, wear-and-tear of bucket teeth power consumption, production efficiency and cost of mining.