Moving further, the company started operating interstate in 1979 by scheduling flights in adjacent states. The company began operating as the intrastate airline company within Texas with flights flying between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Southwest Airlines was founded on March 15, 1967, by Herb Kelleher and Rollin King and was initially named Air Southwest Company. features low-fare services and frequent flights of short routes (Simple Flying, 2021). The airline operates around 4000 departures per day during the peak travel season. is an American airline company that has its headquarters in Dallas, Texas. The end section of the article sheds light on different measures that can be taken by Southwest Airlines to improve its competitive position in the industry. The article also includes an evaluation of the internal and external market conditions of Southwest Airlines through the effective use of various strategic evaluation models and tools. After reading this article, you will get to know about the growth factors relevant to the airline industry in the US and the market opportunities available to Southwest Airlines. This thoughtful article aims to perform a detailed strategic analysis of the current performance and growth prospects of Southwest Airlines, one of the leading airlines in the US.